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Epona es la diosa celta del camino seguro de los difuntos al Inframundo. Es diosa protectora de los caballos (se la suele representar con ellos).


Se la representa desnuda o con un vestido y manto sobre la cabeza. He preferido el lado más "salvaje" y hacer un estudio del cuerpo femenino y usar los tatuajes como "vestimenta".  


Lo que sí he añadido es una pequeña diadema de oro (aunque de menor tamaño) que suele llevar en gran parte de las representaciones de la diosa. El caballo que aparece en la pintura corporal es parte del arte numantino, pueblo famoso de los celtíberos.


Epona is the Celtic goddess of the safe path of the deceased to the Underworld. She is the protective goddess of horses (she is usually represented with them). 


She is represented naked or with a dress and a cloak on her head. I have preferred the "wilder" side and do a study of the female body and use tattoos as "clothing." 


What I have added is a small gold diadem (although smaller in size) that is usually worn in most representations of the goddess. The horse that appears in the body painting is part of Numantine art, a famous town of the Celtiberians.


The Goddess Epona is the protector of horses and the dead on their journey to the underworld.

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